2000', Chandigarh, Punjab (North India) in the aftermath of a monsoon flood. Mohan Singh, a charismatic scar-faced righteous and literate ex-actor, now an army training officer, is desperately in love with Priya, the Commandant's daughter, Amitabh. But Priya is in love with Sanjeev, a NRI logistic coordinator, who has recently joined the Punjabi Company, who loves her in return. Mohan Singh decides to be the voice of "romantic talk disabled" Sanjeev and to experience his love vicariously.

MOHAN SINGH is a dramatic comedy, about love and relationship, communication, self-image and differences between two generations and cultures in today's India, adapted and transposed after French play Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (1897). Cyrano de Bergerac is one the most famous plays of French theater.

Its title character, as Hamlet or Don Quixote in their home country and at an international level, has become the symbol of deceived love, courage, fair language, magnificent loser and "Panache", which word entered the English vocabulary thanks to this play.

Mohan Singh has been selected at PrimExchangeEurope India Co-Production Workshop/FilmBazaar Goa 2011



Developped by Berengère Bebe Barrier




Rachel goes to Bombay to meet with her son. She travels the city and its surroundings by train. A lot happens in these "Women Specials". Thanks to Rahul, Rani and Devendra, Rachel experiences a new world, a new way of life, new customs, new sensations.






Developped by Berengère Bebe Barrier


(Working Title)


When Producer Vikas Shankar, going through a bad time, decides to "fabricate" the first "star" of early Indian cinema, he has no idea the kind of mess he's getting himself into. Now he has to cover-up his initial hoax by a bigger large-scale fraud. A dramatic comedy about movie industry, pretense and vanity.





Developped by B?reng?re Bebe Barrier




'An only Catholic small funeral procession escorted Mr. Ren? Descartes coffin to the cemetery meant for the non-baptized, this afternoon of February 12, 1650 in Stockholm. Soon after his death, a rumor had it that the French philosopher was not dead of pneumonia: he would have died from poisoning.'

Theodor Ebert, L'Enigme de la Mort de Descartes.





Developped by Tatjana Novak Martic



Running Time: 100 minutes
Shooting Format: HD
Languages: Hindi
Genre: Drama/Adventure
Shooting Locations: Ladakh (India)
Producer: True Cinema (India) (to be redirect to the following link:
Coproducers: Bioskope productions (France)

SYNOPSIS: Jigmit has left his colony in Ladhak to settle in town, leaving behind him his wife and daughter. When his father is about to die, Jigmit returns to his colony to pay his last respects.Soon, Jigmit will face all he has been running away, the weight of traditions that he somehow considers obscure. In his fight to ignore who he is and where he comes from, his challenges thrown to God and nature, he will also get the chance to discover his own daughter, a witty 6 years old, in a challenging trip back to town in an attempt to save her life. But which life is he really saving?

Directed ByAbhinav Shiv Tiwari, Abhay and Prajay



Written, directed and produced by David Blanco
Collaboration in screenplay Kiko Moreno

Running Time: 100 minutes
Shooting Format: HD
Languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Tamil & Malayalam
Genre: Drama/Road Movie
Shooting Locations: India, Espa?a, France
Producer:Batea Films S.L. (Spain)
Coproducers: Bioskope productions (France); Patchwork Productions (U.K.); Happy Ending Films (Thailand)

SYNOPSIS: From his bed in a camp hospital after the Tsunami, Anthony, an impoverished Catholic Indian from Tamil Nadu, asks whether his family have survived the catastrophe. Anthony left home a week ago. He recalls his experiences during this week in which he walked from the fields near Pondicherry to Bangalore, looking for a job to feed his family. He set off by bus, penniless, but a road accident will force him to continue the trip on foot. On the way, he will meet Rama, a Hindi who hides a painful secret. They will share the journey, coming to terms with their personal stories, as days go by, they are increasingly forced to acknowledge the dry and coarse intensity of the present.

Contact: B?reng?re Bebe Barrier
